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Here are some music clips you may enjoy.
My music on Spotify
1: Heroes and Dreamers by PinkZebra
2: Still In Love by Stockwaves
3: On Earth as It Is in Heaven by PhilLarson
4: You Are The Reason by JBlanks
5: Toronto Love Groove by mKiwi
Night: Northern Star by mKiwi
6: Sun in My Skyline by mKiwi
7: Toronto Nights by mKiwi
Touring Canada: Maple Dreams by mKiwi
NASCAR - Racing Hearts
Chasing Border Dreams
NASCAR - Race to the Finish
NFL - Game Day Thunder
Radiant Horizons
Heart of America - Elections 2024
Eternal Light
Toronto Nights
Sun in My Skyline
Grateful for You
Maple Dreams
Wanderin' Soul
Battlefield 2042 - Letters Across the Miles
Path to Tomorrow