Directory of Canada

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Welcome to our Canadian Directory service. This directory is derived from the Canadian component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.

Top : Health : Fitness : Personal Training
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  • Acacia Fitness - Provides weight loss programs and products in Edmonton, AB. Includes program information, testimonials and FAQ. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Bodyphysix - Offers private and group fitness sessions in Pilates, yoga, weight training, core and postural programs. Corporate classes and seminars available. Montreal, QC. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Fitness Boot Camps Canada - Offers fitness, weight loss, and lifestyle change programs at several locations in Alberta, with franchising information for other parts of Canada. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Forever Fit - Personal training company serving Montreal and West Island regions training our clients in-home using a variety of customized programs and techniques. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Introducing the New You - Herb Fournier offers weight loss and weight management programs, in Riverview, NB. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Iron Will Training - Offers small group training, focusing on functional strength training. Classes in Sherwood Park and Edmonton, AB. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Losers Wanted - Offers group fitness training and a running club in northeastern Winnipeg, MB. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Mojo Fitness - An innovative and experienced personal training company in Calgary offering mobile fitness, fitcamps, program design, sport specific fitness and workplace wellness. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Multisport Fitness - Provides in home personal fitness training. Contains details of the benefits of training, triathlon program details and biographies of the trainers. Calgary, AB. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Phoenix Personal Fitness - Provides personal and small group training in Calgary, AB. Includes trainer's biographies, photos of the facility and pro shop details. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • PowerTek Fitness Solutions - PowerTek Fitness Solutions provides personal training and sport-specific training services. Edmonton, AB. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • RPE Fitness - Provides in-home personal training in Winnipeg, and includes information about health, fitness and wellness. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Soldiers of Fitness Boot Camp - Offers comprehensive physical conditioning bootcamps in several cities across Canada. Outlines their programs and franchise information. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • StreetSense Safety & Secuirty - Teaches self defence and street proofing courses for women with several locations in Alberta. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Survivor Bootcamp - Offers outdoor fitness 'boot camp' programs in cities across Canada. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Wealth e Health - Personal training services offered either in-home or in a studio in the Tuscany area of Calgary. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )


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The largest human-edited directory.
Open Directory Project

Toronto Skyline, Ontario, Canada, CA Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, CA University College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, CA